Welp, what now? I will try to bring you exciting, new and wonderful things weekly.
Exciting thing for this week: Wait for it, wait for it, here it comes. We paid off one of our credit cards!!! WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! Okay, maybe not exciting for you, but I am EXCITED. We live paycheck to paycheck and are slowly trying to change that. So if you are looking for inspiration, I am here for you!
You see I quit my job in May of this year and it has been tiiiighhhhttttt. I worked for a prison as a Sgt. and was watching my kids grow up when they slept (you will get that in a minute). My husband was mom and dad. He took the kids here and there and worked full time. I was always at work and if I wasn't, they were all gone (school or work). We decided enough was enough! I love being home!!!
I taught art this summer for area kids, it was wonderful!! If you are ever on facebook check out Little Green Dog. I try to update it occasionally. But the best part: I got to spend some time with my kiddos!!!!
I love to paint!! I am far from the best, but painting is a release of almost all emotions! Try it!!!!!
Something New: We finally have a washer and dryer at this house. We bought this house 3 1/2 years ago, it is in the country, and is only like 10000 years old (you will find I am sarcastic and exaggerate). Anyway, thank God for my mom! She has literally done our laundry for the last 3 years!
You all are going to think I am crazy but I absolutely love small houses!! I am a super simple person, love things to be pretty minimal and easy. Our home is only two bedrooms with one bathroom for five people. We currently use our ugly partially finished (if I may exaggerate) basement as our room, while the kids occupy the two real rooms. I do really wish we could gut it and update it, but it has character! Character doesn't cost us anything . . . yet.
Wonderful Things: God, water, air and food. Oh my FOOD, I love food! Unless it has a weird name then I won't try it. I will not try Egg Nog!! My husband loves it. I don't know what my favorite food is, but I won't pass up cowboy gravy. It is wonderful to me! My mom used to make it for us as kids. It is cut up and fried hotdogs (the only way I will eat a hotdog) in gravy over bread. Makes me hungry just thinking bout it!!
How bout a little getting to know you, I mean me. I am married to a wondermous man!! His name is Tommy and he is in love with Chesapeake Energy. I mean he works there. He is an awesome dad. We have three kids. We were gonna have more but he came to my senses. Emerald is our oldest and she is involved in everything! Always in a hurry to get somewhere and always busy. She loves horses and basketball and hates her braces. Liberty is our girly girl. She will play basketball and be a cheerleader, don't ask her to do anything else, unless it is a pedicure. She doesn't mind getting dirty, but would rather get her hair done! Harley is full of energy. He never stops, plays basketball, football, soccer, and loves to try anything else. He has done BMX, water skied, tubed, climbed some sand dunes and more (he is only seven). We have two dogs. Sampson is a mastiff and is my baby. He is a giant teddy bear. Abby is a black lab and completely nuts!! They are polar opposites and seem to like each other just fine. We are responsible pet owners, both our pets are fixed. But it was because we wanted to spare the world more dog poop, not because we are responsible. We have no other pets, cause they can't seem to survive. We feed them and care for them, they just prefer death to us.
I consider myself the boss of our house, but Tom thinks we both are. Something about equals and partnership. I don't know but it works for us. Our kids consider themselves the boss, but I know deep down they are scared that they will have to live in the basement, so they listen sometimes.
I don't have it all but I got it good!