My biological brother and sisters, Wade and Jonie and Dallas, have long been my heroes. My favorite people next to my husband and kids. I couldn't imagine my life without them. They know more about me than almost anyone on this Earth and love me anyway. They went through the good and the bad with me, and there was a lot of both, and chose to remember the good. I am thankful for that! So very thankful.
I am not sure you can imagine how lucky I feel like I am. I am certain that I wouldn't have made it through life the same without them! Wade and Jonie were my leaning post, the two people I could rest on and talk to, the two people that would tell me what I NEEDED to hear not what I wanted to hear. The two people I could always depend on. They are the two people that although I don't see a lot or talk to everyday, I need to know are there. They are a vital part of my life. I can't stand for either one to hurt, I can't even stand the thought of either one hurting. I want them to be happy and I want them to feel loved. I would give my life for them. I am sure questions are running through your head, why do I always say "two."
Dallas is gone. She left us Nov. 6, 1982. She went home. She had strawberry blonde hair, and was a spitting image of my mom. A beautiful little girl. She died of Reye's Syndrome. Her life was short, but super sweet. And the impact she had affected us all. We will see her again. God Bless You Dallas Sabrina Woods!! We Love You TONS!!
Wade is pretty quiet and serious, but I know he would be there. I know without him saying anything, not one word, that I could ask and he would be there as quick as he could. I know this because he has a commitment to family. He is overprotective, forward and overprotective, I know it seems I am repeating myself but he is! I love him! I admire his strong work ethic, his quiet demeanor (I know I need to take some lessons), his love for his wife and kids, and his individuality. My kids think he is soooooo cool and that he has an awesome job. He works hard, harder than most, because he wants to succeed. He wants his family taken care of. I hope his girls are lucky enough to find someone that is willing to give their all for them. Of course like I said he is overprotective, so they had better find someone good . . . or else.
Wade and Dacy (his wondermous wife) |
Mackenzie, Dacy, and Hadley (great sis-in-law, and awesome nieces) |
Jonie is tenderhearted but strong. She has been through a lot. And moved on!!! There were times I locked her in closets, so Wade and I could go ride bikes (sorry Jonie). She forgave us . . . I think? She cries a lot, but it is because she loves greatly. She forgives easily, and commits herself to everyone. She is caring, she loves kids (all kids, even the BRATS). She gives second chances, and sometimes more. She is an awesome Mimi to all her nieces and nephew, because she knows how to be fun!
Jonie and Tyler (you can tell she is fun can't you!!) |
Jonie and Tyler's pumpkin Taylee (another awesome niece) |
We have all three had our bad moments and our great ones. I know I have made it through the good and the bad because of the support of my brother and sister.
And there is more . . . I was blessed with more sisters, yes . . .
I have more sisters!! Pretty lucky aren't I?!! I didn't start with these three but I sure want to end with them!!
Betty, is older than me and came to live with my Dad and step-mom when she was 14 (I believe?) She was my best friend before that. And I was lucky enough for her to become my sister. Although I would have considered her my sister anyway! She is one of those follow thru on your dreams type of people. She told me when we were kids that she wanted to be a pilot and she is. She has always chased her dreams. I don't believe that she was 'given' opportunities, I believe she earned them. She worked for them, and I think that her determination is amazing and inspiring!
Betty |
Shandi, became my sister when her dad married my Mom. She was still in grade school when I moved out. But she was already a super responsible individual. You could see her strength in her own quiet way. She has grown up and become a wonderful mom and is still strong and responsible. She has a tendency to put herself last, and not realize just how great she is. But she is!! She is loyal, lovable, strong, and wondermous.
Shandi |
Shandi's blue eyed beauty, Ainsley (awesome niece) |
Sabra, was a kindergartner when I met her (she and Shandi are biological sisters), and independent. Had to do what she wanted when she wanted too. She still does what she wants, when she wants too. She also follows thru. She says I will finish school, and she did, on her own. She chooses her road and accepts where it leads. She is still young, almost 19 or is it 20? Young anyway, and has her entire life ahead of her and lots to learn. She loves her family even when they make her mad, and she is a survivor. She will make it no matter what, because she won't give up! :)
Sabra and Ainsley |
I love you all!!!!!! And I thank God for each and everyone of you!!! If you didn't already know it I LOVE YOU!!!