I have decided (for now) that I will post all the things we don't do! ;)
So today for your viewing pleasure . . . We made cake pops!!
Cake pops!
Try to ignore that two of them are missing. I do have kids and they do LOVE sugar!
Anyway I got the idea from good ol Martha Stewart. She has awesome ideas, never underestimate a convicted felon, jk (kinda). Super fun and messy to make.
My only recommendation would be to make sure you follow the directions on the chocolate melting package. I didn't! And they didn't quite set up right. But they were still delicious.
Not following directions reminds me of the fifth grade. We had this fabulous teacher, who I suppose was tired of us not following directions. So he gave us a pop quiz, telling us to make sure and follow the directions. The entire class worked tirelessly and whined a ton about the quiz! Turned it in, only to find out we all FAILED! Hello, I was devastated!! We failed because not a single one of us read the directions. It was a three page quiz and we wanted to get DONE. So he handed the test back to us, read the directions to us out loud, and boy were we shocked. Directions: Write your name at the top, turn in the paper! Whoops!! Point taken! I read the directions from then on!! Of course, until I made these cake pops, hehe!
Guess learning has taken place once again!!
1. Make any cake mix as directed, let cool!
2. Once the cake is cool, crumble it into a large bowl and mix in an entire can of frosting!
3. Try not to go ahead and eat the entire bowl!
4. Cover and put in fridge (if you are patient) or freezer (if you are me) and let the mixture get cold.
5. Once the mix is cold, roll into balls, place each ball on wax paper on a cookie sheet!
6. Put this in the freezer til cold, cold! (cold, cold is a cooking term in my house)
7. While waiting for the cake balls to get cold, cold, melt your chocolate (refer to package directions, IMPORTANT).
8. Take the cake balls out of the freezer, push some sort of skewers, or Popsicle sticks into the balls.
9. Dip into the chocolate, sprinkles, or whatever else you like, then place back on the wax paper.
Do this over, and over, and over, and over!
10. Place back in the freezer. Don't place in the fridge, they will sweat if you do that. Put them in the freezer.
11. Wait til the chocolate cools. This only take 15-30 minutes. Then pig out!! YES, this is my favorite step! Of course I only made it here because I didn't eat the entire bowl after mixing. See that, patience pays off!