We paid off the house repair loan!!!!
Progress baby progress. We started paying double on the car this last month, so hopefully that $8000 will be knocked out in no time!! Then all we will have left (besides houses) is student loan and wells fargo!!
We have seriously been kicking butt. Once we started a budget and gave a place to every penny, things have just been amazing. Shocker, right?? We have also been able to give a bit this month which has felt pretty great.
Our bratty tat tats have become little savers.Their savings jars are filling up. We are probably going to open savings accounts for them pretty soon. This is money we will make them save for that car they are going to eventually need. I can just imagine how much they will save by then. Big Daddy T and I have agreed to do a match for that up to a certain amount. They are learning that in order to get paid you have to work. We only pay them on commission, so they HAVE to work to make ANYTHING! We used to just give them a few bucks here and there and let them do with it what they pleased. Now they have to put 10% in giving, and then split the rest between saving and spending. The results have been astounding. Little bit is a major shoe shopper and we seriously couldn't keep up with her "need", lol. This has been awesome in teaching her that she has to save for what she wants. She has actually bought two pairs of shoes herself with her spending jar!! I know!! I could hardly believe it myself. And all three of them get a major kick out of taking their Love (giving) jars and deciding who or what they are going to give it too. What an awesome life change for our children, to recognize others needs and to help fill it!! WOW!! It is an amazing feeling as a parent to watch your 8, 9, and 13 year old make those choices. It truly has been life changing.
We have a pink zebra print coupon book (thank you missy) that we now use as our envelope system. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my husband carry that in the grocery store. He's a real man, he can handle it. Besides he looks pretty trendy, zebra print is in!!
So, so far so good!! YAY
God Bless