Wednesday, February 9, 2011

God's Love is Always There

Our lonely tree.

Today we woke up to snow, a lot of snow! I think they forecasted five inches but we got between ten and fourteen inches. And it was white, and bright. Beyond our lonely tree in our backyard there was nothing but tons of snow. That tree reminded me of a dear friend. Alone. And that forecast reminded me that what we believe we may get may be entirely different than what we receive.

Now she isn't alone, alone. She has plenty of people who love her and care for her and she loves the Lord. But she is devasted and struggling with the loss of her son. I looked out the window and seeing that dark tree against all that white snow, with tracks everywhere, I couldn't help but think of her and her loneliness.

She is that tree. Dark, dormant, just waiting for awakening, for peace, for a spring, a fresh start. That snow is the good Lord, always there, always surrounding her, also waiting, being patient, giving her moisture (life), preparing her for her spring. Those tracks are the people who love her, walking toward her and away when needed, all through God's love. It is a dance, a beautiful yet tragic dance.

I sat there looking at that tree for quite sometime, before I decided to take a picture and share it with you.

You see I don't care for the snow. It usually means it is cold, something I am not fond of. But I failed to appreciate it's need. The moisture it gives to that tree right now, while it is cold and seemingly lifeless, will be that tree's saving grace. That tree will blossom, it will provide needed shade, and will be surrounded by life anew. That doesn't mean that the tree forgets its old life. It carries it's past. Some of those memories you can't see, like the rings inside a tree (always there, but invisible from the outside), but they are there. Some you can see. It bears scars of wind and hail, of animals and children. The tree loves those scars, they have made the tree stronger and who doesn't need to feel the wind blowing through them, or need a good knock on the head from time to time. Oh and what would life be like without the memories of animals and children, helping us appreciate love. A love that doesn't even compare to God's love for us all. Something so hard to imagine.

I will never look at the snow or that lonely tree the same again. Sometimes it is hard to see the light when you are asleep, but it is there, always present, always providing for us, always loving us and always, always, always working through the life around us.

Rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.      Romans 5:3-5

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