Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meanie Houdini, Grrrrr, Blah, blah, blah, blah

Whiny hiney, fathom the thought of someone calling ME a whiny hiney. Stinking meanie houdini! I was just standing there minding my own business, when out of the blue, I blurt out "Smelly cat!!" I didn't yell it to a person, I was talking to my dog! He stunk! Pretty sure he ate a skunk, nasty troll! That is when I heard it, "Meanie Houdini." At first I thought the dog was talking to me. And no I haven't been drinking any funny juice or taken any goofy pills. There was no one else around!! Just me and the smelly cat/dog! I looked around and sure enough my mind wasn't playing tricks on me . . . No ONE IS THERE! So I chance my life and call the monster mutt a smelly cat again, and again I hear it "Meanie Houdini." I walk across the deck, lay down in the middle and look over the side, you know like you did as a kid checking under the bed. Nothing there! I am freaking out!! This dog has some sort of mind powers. I crawl over to the picnic table and there is our "stalker" dog/ peeping tom. She looks in the windows of the house all the time, creepy! And like usual she is just wagging her tail so hard it is about to knock her smooth off the deck. I am wondering how in the world she can stand up . . . so I try it. I don't have a tail so I just shake my head and sure enough I fall off the deck, taking the smelly cat/dog with me. He's lucky, he has four legs and lands on them. I am not so lucky, I land on my bum. By now all the forest animals are watching me and pointing their feathery wings and furry paws rolling around laughing. Whose the meanie houdini now?

This was all made up, has no point and I was bored. Coffee at 10pm isn't a great idea!

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